
Jurassic Park (1993)

Yesterday I was out shoping and found the Jurassic Park movies on sale so I took them right away!
I would say the Jurassic Park movies are "dinosaur" classics and I remember I liked them very much when I was a little kid. If you like dinosaurs then you have to see these movies!

The idealist and dreamer John Hammond have built a new theme park on a island with, what everyone thought was impossible, dionsaurs. With new tecnoligy he has managed to re-create most of the dinosaur species. Dr. Alan Grant and his partner Dr. Ellie Sattler, who both are palaeontologists, gets invited too the park to make sure the security is good enough to open the park for civilians. But during a preview tour, the park suffers a major power breakdown which allows the dinosaurs to escape for their cages and run free around on the island. 

Jurassic Park is the first in the trilogy and though it´s over ten years old and the special effects is not the best, I think it is still good. There is a lot of action but it still maintain the "real" feeling. And Steven Spielberg, who is a amazing director, did (not suprizing) a great job with this movie! Grade: 3/5!



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Vampires Suck (2010)

Remember I promised to check out Vampires Suck and then tell you if it really sucks or not? Well, I saw it a long time ago but I forgot that I had promised to write about it but here it comes (better late than never...right?).

Vampires Suck is a parody movie of the Twilight saga, the ones who´s released. For you who, somehow, do not know of the Twilight saga, I can give you a short summary of it: It´s about a human teenage girl, named Bella, who movies to a new town where her father lives (her parents are divorced). There she meets Edward, who is a vampire, and they fall in love with each other. There are some complications though: 1. Edward is a vampire and Bella is human = bad match! 2. Other vampires wants to kill Bella and the only solution is to make Bella a vampire, which Edward absolutly will not do. 3. Bella´s best friend Jacob, who is a werewolf, is in love with her as well and Bella, too, has some feelings for him = eternal triangle.
This is what they try to make fun of in Vampires Suck, but sadly, they do it very badly!

I was very disappointed when I saw the movie! The humor level was pathetic and I know that in these kinds of movies the humor level is supposed to be low but come on!!! That was ridiculous! Not worth the money and not worht more than a 1/5 as a grade!


The Last Airbender (2010)

Aang, is the last of the air normads and the Avatar. The Avatar is the only one who can master all four elements: air, water, earth and fire. And he was the only one how could remain the balance in the world with help from the Spirit World. After have been missing a 100 years, Aang returns to the present day and discovers that the Fire Nation has started a war against all the other nations. Aang most now learn the three other elements and fight the Fire Nation before the balance in the world will be lost forever.

The thing with this movie is that it is based on a animated TV-series from Nickelodeon and I have seen this show and I think it is great! So when I heard they where going to make a movie of it I was very excited and my expectations were high. Just a few days before the premier of the movie I talked with my friend, who also seen the TV-show, about it and he told me that he had said that he had seen it and that I should not waste my money on it. I asked if I could get the film from him so I could watch it and see for myself how bad it was which I did. As I mentioned, I have seen the TV-show and I didn´t like the movie because it went so fast and there were so many important things missing. I wont tell you because I don´t want to ruin the movie for you who don´t know what I talk about. I think you might like it if you have not seen the series. But I think it´s bad just because I like the series better so it will only get a 2/5 as a grade from me and I recommend too see the series on TV instead!

This is the poster for the TV-series that is shown at Nickelodeon.

Bad excuse I know...

It was a loooong time ago sence I last wrote anything here and yes I know it suckes. I have an excuse, it´s a bad one but still it is one... Because it´s my last year in school I have loads of things to do: final exames, homeworks, projects and at the same time I´m supposed to have some sparetime to have fun...haha yeah right... Anyway, I going to start writing again soon, and when I say soon I mean soon, like tomorrow. So do not give up on me just yet! It is on its way back up again and next time I get overwhelmed with school I will give a heads up so you now.