
Män som hatar kvinnor (2009)

Män som hatar kvinnor, or in english - The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo - is about Mikael Blomkvist, a journalist who gets hired to solve a 40 year old mystery. A girl went missing and no one found out what happend to her, her uncle who has been working on the case ever since she disapeared has grown old and therefore ask Mr.Blomkvist for help. Mikael, together with Lisbeth, a hacker, tries to break the mystery.

When this movie came out, I boycotted it. I thought it would be like most swedish criminal movies. A older man/woman - a unsolved mystery/murder - he tries to solve it and gets into alot of trouble... They are all the same, Wallander - Beck - Johan Falk. When people told me that I really should see this  movie and that it was really good and the grading it got was very good as well, I did not believe it. But now two years later I've seen it! And it was good. It stuck out from the usual "line" as I mentioned before. Not one of my favorite movies but it was watchable. Though I have to say Noomi Rapace, who played the female main roll, was fantastic! One of the best swedish actresses for a long time! Even though she was splendied and the movie was slightly different I'll only give it a +3/5!

This winter 2011, for you don't like watching foreign movies or movies in a different language than english, an american version will be realesed with Daniel Craig in the main roll as Mikael Blomkvist. And the director is David Fincher, who has directed one of my favorite movies - Fight Club! I'm don't sure if the movie will be better just because it's in english and to be honest I'm not sure Daniel Craig is right for the part as Mikael Blomkvist either but I am acctually looking forward to comparing the swedish original with the american copy!



Found it!!!

My friend (who is awsome!) found the movie that we saw in India!! It´s named Siruthai and I´m not sure what it means but I think it is cheetah in english, but as I said I am not sure... Anyway, it´s about a con man who´s life changes when a little girl finds his and believe he is her father. The girls real father who looks exactly like the con man is a famous police officer, a nightmare to the criminals, and soon the criminals find the con man and the little girl and tries to kill them.
It´s really hard to explain the plot when you didn´t understand it all when you saw it so I´m not going to write a review on it. But I can say there is alot of action in it and I think it was supposed to be funny but when there´s no subtitles it´s realy hard to tell what´s funny and not. But if you think it sounds interesting then check out the trailer: 


An experience I will never forget!

It has been a while since last time, hope all is good with you! I am great myself! I have just returned from India which is why I haven´t written anything for some time. I lived in a village and it was really hard to find a computer and something that was even harder to find was a place where you could watch movies... But I did go to an indian cinema while I was there though. And WOW...that was truly an experience I will never forget!

The cinema wasn´t in the best condition but I guess it could have been worse...could have been more than one rat inside...hahaha. No but it wasn´t too bad, specially not the sound! Damn it was LOUD! Before I went they told me to bring earplugs but I thought they were just exaggrating...oh boy how wrong I was! Luckly I got a pair from one of my friends who had a extra pair. It was like going to a consert if not least you like the music when you go to a consert.

The movie was in Tamil, which is the language they speak in Southern India, and it was about three hours long. They actually had a break in the middle of the movie so people could go to the bathroom or buy snacks if they wanted. The movie was very different from any move I ever seen before. It was made in a different way which made it a little confuseing for me to understand it (there was no subtitles) but I did with a little help from my interpreter. Sadly I do not know the name of the movie so I can´t write an review on it...

Easy A (2010)

High school, either one of the best years of your life or the worse. A new rumor starts to go around that the school has a new slut, Olive. At first Olive tries to tell everyone the rumor isn´t true but when no one listens to her she desides to go with it to advance her social and financial standing. But soon everything goes too far and she has to find a way to put back things as they once were.

This high school movie was different from the ones I have seen before which is a good thing! It is not as many other high school movies, where the unpopular guys want to get laid before graduation or the new girl in school as a crush on the most poplare guy but know it can never be...and so on blablabla... This felt like a more serious high school movie in a way but I also think it was a little flat. I can not really put my finger on what it was that made it flat but I felt like something was missing. So...I give it a 3/5!


Love and Other Drugs (2011)

Jamie Randall a charming, hansome and outgoing guy, with other words a true womanizer, gets a new job in Ohio, where he´s going in to the world of pharmaceutical sales. Accidently he meets Maggie Murdock and after a rocky start, they become good friends (with benefits). But as the relationship grows, they are taken by surprise, finding themselves under the influence of the ultimate drug: LOVE!

This sounds like a ture chick movie, I know, but don´t get fooled. The movie is funny, as in a lot of sex jokes funny, but it has a lot of romance in it as well. It is a perfect first date movie! It has a perfect balance between not being to girly or to guyish, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Example, for the guy: many hot chicks! For the girls: Jake Gyllenhaal naked and the romance.
There is one thing that buged me a little bit though, which was that there was a moment were you saw the tape where the actors where supposed to stand. And I have to say, Edward Zwick, for being in the movie industry that long, it´s not okey... But I will give this movie a 4/5 anyway, because it was very good!


What a Incredible coincidence!

I watched The Incedibles the other day and I could not stop thinking about where I had seen one of the characters from the movie before. Edna Mode, she the superhero outfit designer in the movie and I have seen her "in real life". It took me a while (about three days) before I knew where from I have seen her. The character Edna Mode looks exactly like Linda Hunt!!! And know you´re thinking: "Maybe she was the voice of Edna? You thought about that?" Yes I have! That was the first thing I looked up and no, it is not her. The "actor" playing Edna is Brad Bird, yes he is a guy, who is also the director and writer of The Incredibles. HA!

I wonder if they thought about that when making the movie. Maybe, Linda Hunt was supposed to play Edna but turned down the offer in the last minute and the creaters liked their Edna so much that they did not bother to change her appearance. Who knows? 

Linda Hunt VS Edna Mode from The Incredibles


After Life (2009)

After a terrible car accident, Anna wakes up in a morgue to find a man, Eliot Deacon, preparing her body for her own funeral. Anna, who is confused and scared and feeling very much alive, do not believe that she is dead. The funeral diractor Eliot explains to her that he as a gift to talk to the dead and that she passed away in the accident and is in the process of passing over to the world of the dead. Locked in the morgue and with no one else to turn to except for Eliot, Anna is forced to confront her deepest fears and accept her death. In the meanwhile Anna´s grieving boyfriend Paul, starts to suspect that Eliot is not who he claims to be. And as the date of Anna´s funeral approach, Paul comes closer to the shocking truth, but is it to late?

A different, confusing and thrilling movie. I really liked this one. I couldn´t predict anything which is very unusual for me. Though I have to say it was a little boring in the middle so you have to have patience when watching this movie. Liam Neeson and Justin Long were splendid and I am really impressed of the director Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo, whom I never heard of before this movie. Maybe not too surprising, she has, according to IMDB, only made one short movie before this one called Pâté. Now back to this movie, as I said I like it and I give it a 4/5! A great debut movie!

Let´s start again, shall we?

Hope everyone is alive and had a great New Years Eve, it is finaly 2011!!! WOHO!!! This year is actually going to be slightly different. I am going to India pretty soon, so I wont be able to write anything then. And after India, I am going to have alot of work to do because I´m graduating this spring. Very exaited about that, going to be great!! But because of this, I am going to start writing right away, there is no time to waste!