
Found it!!!

My friend (who is awsome!) found the movie that we saw in India!! It´s named Siruthai and I´m not sure what it means but I think it is cheetah in english, but as I said I am not sure... Anyway, it´s about a con man who´s life changes when a little girl finds his and believe he is her father. The girls real father who looks exactly like the con man is a famous police officer, a nightmare to the criminals, and soon the criminals find the con man and the little girl and tries to kill them.
It´s really hard to explain the plot when you didn´t understand it all when you saw it so I´m not going to write a review on it. But I can say there is alot of action in it and I think it was supposed to be funny but when there´s no subtitles it´s realy hard to tell what´s funny and not. But if you think it sounds interesting then check out the trailer: 


An experience I will never forget!

It has been a while since last time, hope all is good with you! I am great myself! I have just returned from India which is why I haven´t written anything for some time. I lived in a village and it was really hard to find a computer and something that was even harder to find was a place where you could watch movies... But I did go to an indian cinema while I was there though. And WOW...that was truly an experience I will never forget!

The cinema wasn´t in the best condition but I guess it could have been worse...could have been more than one rat inside...hahaha. No but it wasn´t too bad, specially not the sound! Damn it was LOUD! Before I went they told me to bring earplugs but I thought they were just exaggrating...oh boy how wrong I was! Luckly I got a pair from one of my friends who had a extra pair. It was like going to a consert if not least you like the music when you go to a consert.

The movie was in Tamil, which is the language they speak in Southern India, and it was about three hours long. They actually had a break in the middle of the movie so people could go to the bathroom or buy snacks if they wanted. The movie was very different from any move I ever seen before. It was made in a different way which made it a little confuseing for me to understand it (there was no subtitles) but I did with a little help from my interpreter. Sadly I do not know the name of the movie so I can´t write an review on it...