
Treasure Plane (2002)

Jim Hawkins, a rebleous teenager, who to the world and his own mother is seen as a slacker with no future. Even Jim starts to doubt he´ll become something other than busboy untill one day a dying pirate gives him a map to the legendary tresure of Captain Nathaniel Flint.
As his journey into the space begins, Jim gets a mentor, the cook, a cyborg named John Silver. However, thier friendship is put to the test as they get closer and closer to the tresure.

I find this story alright. The thing I like the most with this movie are the futuristic world they (makers) have made. It´s very cool and I could absolutly see myself living in it! Ports shaped like a moon, ships you can fly out into the space with, books with a voice-over and hologram pictures which is played like a movie, who wouldn´d want to live in a world like that?!
I think it´s a movie worth seeing if you´re a Disney fan, I give it a 3/5!

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