
Vampires Suck (2010)

Remember I promised to check out Vampires Suck and then tell you if it really sucks or not? Well, I saw it a long time ago but I forgot that I had promised to write about it but here it comes (better late than never...right?).

Vampires Suck is a parody movie of the Twilight saga, the ones who´s released. For you who, somehow, do not know of the Twilight saga, I can give you a short summary of it: It´s about a human teenage girl, named Bella, who movies to a new town where her father lives (her parents are divorced). There she meets Edward, who is a vampire, and they fall in love with each other. There are some complications though: 1. Edward is a vampire and Bella is human = bad match! 2. Other vampires wants to kill Bella and the only solution is to make Bella a vampire, which Edward absolutly will not do. 3. Bella´s best friend Jacob, who is a werewolf, is in love with her as well and Bella, too, has some feelings for him = eternal triangle.
This is what they try to make fun of in Vampires Suck, but sadly, they do it very badly!

I was very disappointed when I saw the movie! The humor level was pathetic and I know that in these kinds of movies the humor level is supposed to be low but come on!!! That was ridiculous! Not worth the money and not worht more than a 1/5 as a grade!

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