
That´s it for this year!

Okey, that is it for the Ben Stiller marathon. But as I mentioned in the begining of the marathon, I am going to write about Meet the Family, Meet the Fockers and Little Fockers, when I have seen the third movie after it has been released here.
So that´s it for this year, I wont writing about more movies so you have to wait till next year haha. Hard I know, what is it, like 36 hours left? Anyway, I wish you all a great New Years Eve, with that said:


Tropic Thunder (2008)

During a war movie shooting in a jungle of Asia, a series of strange things starts happening. This soon force the actors from the war movie to become the soldiers they are playing so they can stay alive long enough for the helicopter to come and transfer them to a safe place.

This movie has a bunch of good, funny actors like Robert Downey Junior, Jack Black and Ben Stiller who also is the director of this movie. Í think this movie has its funny moments, here there. It is not one of those movies when you come out from the cinema and you go: "Wow, that was AWSOME! I need to see it again!" You maybe watch it once or twice and that is enough. It gets 3/5!


Madagascar (2005)

When the four spoiled animals, Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo and Melman the giraffe from the Central Park Zoo, get on the island Madagascar after a shipwrek they soon discover the true life of the jungle. While struggling to survive now when their food no longer is served on a silver plate, they are trying to find their way home which is not easy when you are stuck in a jungle.

A exiting and entertaining movie, with some groovy moves and music, "I like to move it, move it..." haha. I really like the movie and the actors, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer and the lovely Jada Pinkett Smith, who´s husband I adore. Okey, back to the movie. Well as I said, it´s a exiting and entertaining movie and I´ll give it a 4/5!


The Heartbreak Kid (2007)

Eddie, a 40 year old single, suddenly one day bumps in to the very hot girl Lila, who is everything he wants a woman to be. They marry after just sex weeks of dateing and everything seems to be perfect. But on their honeymoon in Mexico, Eddie soon discovers that his perfect wife really is a living nightmare!

A romanic comedy made by the Farrelly brothers, who also made "There´s Something About That Mary". The movie is fun, crazy and different, wouldn´t say it is so romantic really but it is good anyway. One of the better movies Ben Stiller is in and it is really worth seeing. It gets a 4/5!


Zoolander (2001)

The Prime Minister of Malaysia is planing to stop the use of child workers and raise the salaries to the workers in his country as well. This will badly affect the fashion industry when everything becomes more expensive and therefor the most successful fashion designers decides to assassin the Prime Minister. Mugatu, one of the designers, get the assignment to find a extremly stupied model who can "get trained" so he later can kill the Minister, and he choses the three times winner of the Model of the Year award Derek Zoolander.

A movie with some pretty good actors like Owen Wilson, Jon Voight, Will Ferrell, and Ben Stiller of course. Though there are many good actors in the movie, doesn´t it mean the movie is good which it isn´t. Ben might be a pretty good actor but he is not the best director. This movie had a low sence of humor that I do not find specially funny and it feels like they maybe had a low budget as well due to the bad quality. It only gets a 2/5!


Great Timing

This Christmas I got a rather fun present:
"BEN STILLER - The Seriously Funny Collection. Seriously!
I have been thinking about what I should start writing about now after Christmas. If I should try to find good movies you could watch before New Years Eve. Then I remembered that people party on New Years Eve, who watches movies then? An other thought I had was if I should wait till next year and then start with a new marathon of some sort. It is only week till 2011 but, many people here in Sweden has holiday now. Which means you get together with the family, get cosy in front of the TV to watch movies. So I didn´t want to wait a whole week before I could write because then the hoilday is over, but then I got this present. I guess you understand where I am going with this, I am going to have a short Ben Stiller marathon now, before New Years Eve.

The collection include five movies: Meet The Parents, Meet The Fockers, The Heartbreak Kid, Zoolander and Tropic Thunder. I am going to save Meet The Parents and Meet The Fockers for later because I what to write about them at the same time as the third, Little Fockers. Sweden actually has the last release date of the movie in Europe, 14 January 2011. I know it is already out in most countries, Sweden is just slow sometimes when it comes to movies, sadly. Anyway, I am going to wrtie about the other three movies from the collection and I might come up with an other movie surprize too, we´ll see



The Christmas is over here in Sweden and it has been wonderful, with wonderful food, company, presents and movies of course. Though the Christmas is over here I now it isn´t in the states so MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

I hope you all have, or had, a fantastic Christmas and you´ll hear from me soon again. 


Bad Santa (2003)

Wille is a rent Santa who doesn´t giva a shit about Christmas. All he care about is: 1) Rod the money from the stores. 2) Nail every sales girl working in the stores. 3) And last, scare the crap out of the children.

A great and funny movie "showing" the (never seen before) bad, nauty side of Santa which is hilarious! The actors are well known and good and I think the kid, Brett Kelly was really good for being so young. The movie as a whole gets a 4/5! A movie you should see at Christmas but maybe not with your kids though haha.


A Christmas Carol (2009)

The classic Christmas story written by Charles Dickens, about the bitter Mr. Scrooge when he is haunted by the Christmas ghosts of the past, prestent and yet to come, so he will learn about the true Christmas spirit.

An other remake of the wonderful story from Charles Dickens and it is truly wonderful! Animation can hardly get any better than this. It feels real, it really catches the Christmas spirit and it is very well made. I just sat back and enjoyed every minut of it. Jim Carrey, who I normaly have a hard time with, did a great job and so did Robert Zemeckis, the director. It shows that he has done this before and he does it well. This is a terrific Christmas movie and it gets a 4/5!


"17 signs that you are about to see a really bad movie"

Okey, I know I´m supposed to write about Christmas movies but I just could not restrain myself after I had read this article "17 signs that you are about to see a really bad movie". I will do a short summery of the points that I think is not right and those who are right. Here´s the list and as I said, I do not agree to all of this, I will explain later what I think when the list is done!:

1. It´s a "dream project"

Meening, movies with a popstar in it who has the leading role are bad because they are only made to make the popstar look good.
2. "From the creators of Scary movie"
5. Gerard Butler as a american
He can not speak with an american accent and still they what him to play american.
10. It is a Santa movie without Billy Bob Thornton (from Bad Santa)
Movies about Santa without Billy Bob Thornton is not worth seeing, e.g. Santa Clause with Tim Allen.
14. The continuation you never heard about before
15. Adam Sandler writing the script and playing the leading role
17. When the mike is visible in the view

Okey these where the ones I reacted on when I read them. I´m going to say what I think about it so lets start from the top.
1. I think there are some truth in it, most movies with popstars is not good. But there are some exceptions e.g. The Bodyguard (1992) with Whitney Houston.
2. Hahaha. Yes I agree, though I do like some of the Scary movies. But what I do not understand is how is it possible to do a worse job now then bad in the days.
5. Sure, Gerard Butlers´ american accent might not be the best but he is still a good actor. And I think it is unfair to blame him for the parts he is given.
10. Yes, Bad Santa is a great movie! And I can agree to a certain amount that the Christmas movies Tim Allen has been in is not the best but I think the first Santa Clause was good. The ones after on the other hand wasn´t the best. Still it wasn´t Tim who wrote the script so you can´t blame him.
14. When I read this one I did not quite understand what they meant. But know I do. Did you know there is a Titanic 2? I didn´t either till today. Hahaha. I am going to look it up and then I´ll tell you if I agree with this or not.
15. Adam Sandler has done some bad movies and he as written some bad to. But come on, Grown Ups was a great movie! The reporter compaired Grown Ups with You Don't Mess with the Zohan, which really is a baaad movie, but honsetly COME ON!! No sense of humor!
17. Okey, sure I agree. If the mike shows up in a scen it is a bad movie but aren´t you all ready watching it when you find that out? How can you know there is going to be a mike showing up in the movie just looking at the cover?

Christmas with the Kranks (2004)

When Luther and Nora Kranks´ daughter Blair goes to Peru with the Peace Corps over the Christmas holidays, Luther comes up with the suggestion to skip Christmas and go on a cruse in the Caribbean instead. After doing some thinking Nora agrees to the idea and they both decide not to put up any lights or buy a Christmas tree, not to send out any Christmas cards, no Christmas food and no Frosty the Snowman on the roof. Simply a Christmas without Christmas.

An other Christmas movie with Tim Allen and it is decent, it had its funny moments here and there. One thing that I could not stop thinking about while watching this movie was how typical American it was, with the whole neightborhood society, geting into everyone else business and going after traditions. Very, very typical American. I think because of that the movie is not as fun here in Sweden as I think it possibly is in America. So the movie gets a 2/5!  


Deck the Halls (2006)

Steve and his family live in a quiet little town, in a calm little neighborhood. Steve has worked out a perfect plan so everything will be ready when Christmas Eve comes but everything changes when the new neighbors move in across the street. Buddy, the new neightbor, wants to do something spectacular which no one never will forget and comes up with the idea to cower his whole house with Christmas lights so it can be seen for space. This annoys the crap out of Steve and soon the war has begun.

When you read what this move is about it sounds pretty interesting, the actors are well known and the director, John Whitesell, has done many funny TV-series and one funny movie as well, (Big Momma´s house 2) so you would think this movie has to be really good right? Sadly isn´t that true. I did not laugh one time thourgh the whole movie and since it´s supposed to be a comedy that is not a good thing! It gets a 2/5! I would have giving it a 1 but the actor prefromances were good, I liked the lights and I kind of feel bad for the guys who had to fix all those light, gosh what a job!


Christmas countdown

Now it is only seven days till Chrismas, eight days if you´re from the USA, and yes I know it is crazy how fast time fly by. Rigth after Christmas it is going to be New Year´s Eve and then we start on a new year again, 2011. Anyway, with Christmas you do not only get good food, presents, Christmas songs, joy, you also get alot of Christmas movies on TV, so of course I am going to grade some of them. And I thought since it is only seven days till Christmas Eve I am going to write about at least one movie every day till then, starting today!

I just have to mention something I think is a little funny. Here, in Sweden, it has become almost like a tradition to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy on TV the days just before Christmas Eve. I have no idea why and I am not complaining, it is just what has the Lord of the Rings to do with Christmas? You can not get any futher from it. Or maybe I have missed something, I thought Christmas was about joy and thankfulness not war. Am I wrong?


Fred Claus (2007)

This is the story about Fred Claus, Santa Claus´s brother. After growing up in Santa´s shadow Fred as become bitter and has lost his belief in the Christmas spirit. But Fred is in need of money and therefore decides to fly to the North Pole to beg his brother for help. While there Fred descovers that his brother has his problems of his own and are at risk to be shutdown for good.

I think this Christmas comedy is okey, you get a few laughs, there are good actors in it and its a different Christmas story you have not heard before. It is one of those movies when people ask you what you thought of it you answer: "It was okey, not great but not bad either." There just is not so much to say about it so it gets a 3/5!

Océans (2009)

Oceans is a documentary, made by DisneyNature, about the world under the water and the living beings who lives there.

They did not talk much during the movie. The majority of the film consisted of just scens where you got to see the usual behavior of the creatures which I enjoyed because of the beautiful way it was filmed. But when they did say something they brought up interesting and important facts which gave a great message and it was told in a way so even children could understand.
Despite the amazing scens and the great message, I thought that I had already seen alot of the things they showed in the movie. For example, I have seen dolphins jumping and doing tricks in the air and I have seen a shark catching a bird in the air. All these things have been shown on Animal Planet, it is not new. Therefore I´ll give this movie a +3/5!