
Christmas countdown

Now it is only seven days till Chrismas, eight days if you´re from the USA, and yes I know it is crazy how fast time fly by. Rigth after Christmas it is going to be New Year´s Eve and then we start on a new year again, 2011. Anyway, with Christmas you do not only get good food, presents, Christmas songs, joy, you also get alot of Christmas movies on TV, so of course I am going to grade some of them. And I thought since it is only seven days till Christmas Eve I am going to write about at least one movie every day till then, starting today!

I just have to mention something I think is a little funny. Here, in Sweden, it has become almost like a tradition to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy on TV the days just before Christmas Eve. I have no idea why and I am not complaining, it is just what has the Lord of the Rings to do with Christmas? You can not get any futher from it. Or maybe I have missed something, I thought Christmas was about joy and thankfulness not war. Am I wrong?


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