
The End Begins

Now then...The Harry Potter premiere is soon to be over here in Sweden and the blog marathon is over for know. We just have to wait an other eight months till The Final End (part 2) has its premiere in the summer of 2011. I don´t think I ever been so excitet over seeing a film like I am right now. I want to see who they have made the ending so badly now that I have seen the first part. Well I guess I just have to wait like everyone else, sadly.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 (2010)

The battle has begun! Voldermort and his Deatheaters has taken over the whole world of magic and are looking for Harry to kill him once and for all. Harry, Ron and Hermione are trying to finish what Dumbledore started, find all the remaining Horcruxes and destroy them. But the time is runing out. While searching they uncovers the exisstence of the three most powerful objects in the wizarding world, the Deathly Hallows.

I just saw this movie today, on the premiere. And it was absolutly great! When I first heard they were doing the last book in two part I didn´t understand why but know I do. They use so many details from the book so I understand why they need all that time. The script is great and most of the special effects too. I usally don´t complain about the special effects but I didn´t like who they made the House Elfs, specially Dobby. I think he looked more real in the second movie and that is not good.
But I was impressed with their planing, where to cut the first part from the second and so on. Brilliant I have to say! You could feel while watching, that they are trying to end the whole story with a Bang (if you understand what I mean haha)! It deffinitely gets a 5/5!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

Now that Voldermort has returned, the magical world is no longer safe, not even Hogwarts. Dumbledore wants to prepare Harry for what´s to come and together they try to find a weak point in Voldermorts defence. Meanwhile, there´s love in the air at Hogwarts and the jealousy soon complicates this even more. But the dangerrs are closing in and risk to change everything forever.

From a darker movie too this brighter one. This movie shows a more humorous side of the story with the love drama. But at the same time it is very serious, specially the parts about the past. I don´t want to give to much away so I wont explain what I mean by that, but you who have seen the movie knows what I mean (hopefully). There´s a lot of variation both from fun to serious, as I said before and therefore I give this a 4/5!


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Lord Voldermort has returned and Harry has tried to warn everybody, but the Minestry of Magic denys everything he says. Dolores Umbridge comes to Hogwarts as a teacher in the defeance against the darkarts, but instead of teaching them she forbids the students so use magic. With a little help from Hermione, Harry take matters in his own hands and train a groupe of students in secrets, to prepare them for the war to come.

In this movie you get to see a slightly darker side of Harry and his "battle". I think it is very good because it shows how much Harry as grown and you get a better perspective of how he´s feeling about what has happend, not only about the past year but through all the years. That is why it gets a 4/5!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

This year Hogwarts is hosting The Triwizard Tournament, a magical competition between three schools: Hagwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. To be able to compete the contestants most be over the age of 17 and get chosen by the Goblet of Fire. On the night of the selection the Goblet, surprisingly, choose Harry as the fourth contestant. Since the magic cannot be undone, Harry is forced to compete and complete the extremely dangerous dasks given too them.

I rather enjoy this movie. It´s nice to see an other scene than the school and it is very fun to see students from other schools too. I don´t really have much to say about this movie, it´s a good movie and I like it. That´s about it and therefore it gets a 4/5!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Harry´s third year at Hogwarts is about to start but as usual everything is not right in the magic world. The convicted muderer, Sirius Black, has done the impossible and escaped from the Azkaban prison for magical creatures, and are now coming after Harry.

There were a few new thinks in this movie. First, the was a new director, Alfonso CuarĂ³n, who I honestly never had heard of before this movie. Second new thing was a new Dumbledore. Sadly, did Richard Harris (also seen in Gladiator) died in cancer after he made the second movie. And Michael Gambon took his place instead. The first time I saw him as Dumbledor I don´t like it much but you get used to it after a while. And though Harris was a wonderful Dumbledore, Gambon is just as good as him.
Now to what I think of the movie. I do not like it at all. It´s not because I´ve read the book. This time I just felt like they were rushing through the whole movie. every thing went so fast and it just was not good. Na...this one only gets a 3/5

And Richard Harris (1930-2002) may you rest in peace!


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Harry has waited for the summer to end just so he can return to his real home, Hogwarts, and escape from his horrible "family" the Dursley´s. Just a few days before the school start Harry gets a visitor, the House Elf Dobby, who comes with a warning. He tells Harry not to return too Hogwards this year because terrible things will happen. But Harry ignored the warnings and do return, only to find there as been a number of attacks at the school and a strange voice haunting him.

This is the second year and the second movie of Harry Potter and I love it! The movie is true to the book and the actors has grown, their prefomances is better. Often is hard to keep the same great level as the first movie but I think they have managed the very well! It get a 5/5!


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)

Harry Potter is a young orphan boy who lives with his mean aunt and her family in the English suburb. One day Harry gets a letter from the wizard school Hogwarts, which says that Harry is a wizard and everything changes. Harry enters a whole new world - the world of magic with exciting adventures and extrem danger, where he learn more and more about his tragic past.

I am a huge fan of the books because I have practically grown up with them. I love the first book and also the first movie. I think that the film creators for this movie knew that the movie had to be a really good because it gives the first impression of the magical world and if they had not done it right the following movies might not gotten as populaire as they are today.
I love the first movie becuse it is really ture to the book and it completed my image of the magical world. The cast are great! And Chris Columbus, the director, did a brilliant job with putting the movie together!
It gets a 5/5 as a grade!


Harry Potter marathon coming up!

So the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has its premiere next week. Here in Sweden the premiere is the 17th and thats when I am going to see it, which I really looking forward too! Anyway, I thought it would suit to have a Harry Potter marathon before the premiere. So that is what´s happening this weekend, I am going to write short reviews on all of the Harry Potter movies, starting with nr.4! Haha just kidding. Lets start from the begining, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone review is coming up tomorrow.


Due Date (2010)

About an hour ago I just finished watching Due Date!
It is about Peter, a father-to-be, who gets on a plane too LA where his wife is and going to give birth to their first child. But on the plane he meets Ethan and everything get turned upside down. Ethan gets himself and Peter baned from "the flying list" and with Peters bag, with his wallet inside, on the plane Peter do not know how to be able to go across the coutry to LA. Luckly, Ethan finds Peter and offer him a ride over to LA, which is the begining of some insane/crazy events.

I think this was a great movie! Really funny, crazy and you see how the characters grow through the movie, that is one of the nice things about road movies, and the actors effort were splendid! It is definitely a movie worth seeing, specially if you liked Hangover! It gets a 4/5!


Awsome surprise in London - the premiere of Due Date!!!

I went over to London for a few days and guess what I happend to bump into....the premiere of Due Date! Sweet rigth!!! Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis and the diractor Todd Phillips was there, plus alot of fans (of course)! Honestly, I did not know that the premiere was going to be there so it was a happy surprise.
On Sunday it is my turn to see it! I looked for tickets at the bigger cinemas but it is fully booked till Thursday!!! And I can´t wait for that long so I found a smaler, local cinema with tickets. Can´t wait till I get to see it, I am really excited! Hope it is as good as the Hangover, which I believe it is.


Scooby-Doo (2002)

After the Mystery Inc.´s break up, they meet by a coincidence on an island resort where the manager needs help to investigate the strange things that have occured there. People gone missing and then come back acting like zombies and rumors about monsters walking around on the island. Deciding to take a break from the break the Mystery Inc. works together to solve the big mystery. 

This was acctually one of the movies I talked earlyer about, that I had picked out, believe it or not. I chose this movie because I thought of the children, they should be able to watch Halloween movies too! And I think this is a good example of that, it is funny, scary on a good level for kids and Scooby Doo is in it! Can it get any better?! Well...yes, there are a few things that could have been better: the special effects, the acting performance and more. But is it things a little kid would think So this move get a 3/5 as a grade.

The Final Destination (2009)

The Final Destination, the fourth movie in the series, and like always it is about some teenagers and on of them gets a vision of a terrible accident which will kill them all. Luckly the teenagers manage to "cheat" death and survive the accident but know death is coming to kill them one by one...

The Final Destination movies are always fun to watch. They are not so predictable, at least I had hard time figuring out the weird ways everyone dies by. BUT if you have seen the first Final Destination - you have seen them all. The plot is the same in all of the four movies, the only thing that seperates them are different actors and different weird accidents (kills).
After the first time I saw the first Final Destination, I thought it was a great movie so if I would grade that it would have probably gotten a +3/5 in grade. But if I give all four movies a joined grade they get a -2/5.


A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)

This is a remake on the classic horro film from 1984, about the serial killer Freddy Krueger, who kills his victims, one by one, in their dreams. Soon one of the victims discover that what is happening in the dreams is happening in real life and starts a investigation to find out the reason why Freddy is doing this, while trying to stay awake.

I did not find this movie specailly scary but I still enjoyed it. The character Freddy Krueger was the high-light of the movie. The he "played" with his victims was really funny, so Jackie Earle Haley - great job!
Sure, the movie had some predictable moments as most horro film have but overall it was a good movie and I would recommend it. It gets +3/5!


Halloween is going up which is the best time to watch horror films! The mood is just perfect!
I always seem to pick the bad ones whenever I what to watch a horror film. But this year I have done some research so hopefuly some of the movies I have picked out wont be too bad.