
The Final Destination (2009)

The Final Destination, the fourth movie in the series, and like always it is about some teenagers and on of them gets a vision of a terrible accident which will kill them all. Luckly the teenagers manage to "cheat" death and survive the accident but know death is coming to kill them one by one...

The Final Destination movies are always fun to watch. They are not so predictable, at least I had hard time figuring out the weird ways everyone dies by. BUT if you have seen the first Final Destination - you have seen them all. The plot is the same in all of the four movies, the only thing that seperates them are different actors and different weird accidents (kills).
After the first time I saw the first Final Destination, I thought it was a great movie so if I would grade that it would have probably gotten a +3/5 in grade. But if I give all four movies a joined grade they get a -2/5.

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